Welcome and introduction from the Chair of the NLAGB

Welcome to the NLAGB website.

The Association was established in 1996/7. Our principal aim is to support governors and governing boards in North Lincolnshire. We pride ourselves on the quality of the relationships that the executive has established both locally and nationally because this allows us to pursue issues on behalf of governors in a very positive and constructive manner.

The Association affiliates to the National Governance Association (NGA). We help ensure that North Lincolnshire is well represented whenever possible at national events and conferences.

The executive committee is elected annually. It is strong, experienced and active. It encourages and supports all governors to become involved in the wider world of governance beyond their own school/academy.

The number of North Lincolnshire schools and academies affiliating to the Association has always been high. Our affiliation fees are amongst the lowest in the country. This is due to the goodwill of members of the executive committee and the support received from the authority. We are however, careful to maintain our total independence.

Please look out for a letter at the end of September from our Treasurer to renew your affiliation fees. The cost is only £25 for all schools. This is used to pay affiliation fees to the National Governance Association (NGA) and to meet costs necessarily incurred representing governors locally at conferences etc.

We believe that in an ever-changing world within education, it is increasingly vital that governors are aware of expectations upon, and opportunities for, governing boards. We work to ensure that all governors can access the information, support and advice needed to carry out their role effectively.   

When asked to mediate on issues we try to ensure that negotiation takes place in a climate of mutual respect based on a clear understanding of respective roles. We work very closely with, but completely independently of, senior officers and other local authority staff who are employed to support governors. We have also developed very good relationships with many elected members.

All contact with the executive is treated in the strictest confidence. If we need to speak to officers or anyone else in order to pursue an issue that has been raised by governors then we will not give the names of individual governors or schools unless this has been discussed and agreed.

The recent Authority Peer Challenge Review in its focus on School Improvement comments ‘The local authority is supportive of a thriving Governing Body Association which in turn is helping to develop the strategic direction of the local authority.’

North Lincolnshire Education Strategy for Schools ‘All our Children’ states ‘Understanding and application of effective governance will make a significant contribution to improving outcomes for children and young people. The Association is fully committed to this aim.” We work to promote the highest possible standards of governance in North Lincolnshire by ensuring that governors are well represented and supported.

The executive members strive to make it simple for governors and governing bodies to contact them. We are grateful that the authority allows us to communicate with you through their termly newsletter Governors’ News and we try to ensure that at least one executive member is at every Leadership Briefing Session at the start of each term so that governors can speak to us face to face if they wish to do so.

 We really hope that you will continue logging on to this site regularly and will endeavour to continually update and develop it so that it is another source of valuable information and support for you in your governor role.


If you have any suggestions about other information that you would like to see on this website then please do let us know.

Angela Dunkerley, NLAGB Chair


The AGM will be held on Wednesday November 13th 2024 6:30pm

at Melior Community Academy Chandos Road Scunthorpe DN17 1HA. 

Further details will be available shortly.


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Web site updated 10 October 2024


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